03 July 2010

Just a crush...

Why do I so completely fall for silver tongued devils? I think I trust too easily and if I am guarded, I'm accused of blaming "him" for all my past relationship mistakes. How do you not keep your guard up so you don't get burned again?

Why do you wear a seatbelt? You know you are a good driver right, you just don't know about anyone else on the roads. That is why one must have some type of personal protective gear in relationships.

There are clues I'm looking for to determine if I am dating the right guy. The thing is, men will date a woman until something better comes along, women who go on more than three dates think the man is relationship material.

Another thing is, men regret the women they didn't, women regret the men they did. I'm tired of having regrets.

So what doesn't work for me:
Angry, porn addicted, non-Christian, insensitive, road raging, indecisive, lying, cheating, booger/scab eating, lazy men... I should be able to find one without these character flaws right?

If not, I'm better off without one.