18 April 2010

Fishy Pedi

I did not know it but getting a rare fish pedicure was on my list. It is now checked off too. It was so weird and TICKLED so bad! And on top of that, I got my first pedicure since I don't remember when. Really, I had a good day, I have made a new gal pal, too bad she lives so far away! We went to the local mall and had a great time storming all the stores. We tried on all the perfumes in all the stores, believe me we smelled good and strong. I need to get more gal pals in my life.
I posted a craigslist classified searching for a roommate. Wish me luck.
I have finally finished my personal list of Hottest Guys:
Mathew McConaughey
Jude Law
Justin Timberlake
Gerard Butler
Bradley Cooper

Mmmmmm, Delicious!