Yes, I am single again. I am happy with that. I struggled to make myself want to be in a relationship that I knew wasn't right for me. I am okay. I have really realized I enjoy myself. I don't have to consult with anyone about my time, my activities, my taste... anything and everything. I have a lot of things happening right now. I am trying to sell my house. I am trying to sell my things/downsize and prepare for a HUGE move. I am deploying in June for nine months and then try and figure out what I'm going to do in retirement. I am really tempted to try and settle, at least for a time, in Florida. I love the idea of living near the beach, swimming and scuba diving, travel and cruises in the Caribbean. More than anything I want to be near my parents. I can't seem to get them interested in living in Florida. But, I know I am counting my chickens before they hatch. Let me first focus on selling my house and downsizing my "things".
I am not dating at all.... it's off the table.