Each of us must decide what we are willing to compromise in order to maintain our relationships.
I'm sorry to say that I let my values slide. I let someone lie to me repeatedly. I knew they were lying, but I accepted the lies.
I questioned if I was too skeptical. Was I too judgmental, ...maybe it's me? But, really, if I am compromising my basic values it's not too skeptical or judgmental is it? Each time I gave the benefit of a doubt, I realized I should have followed my original instinct.
When things don't add up I need to follow my instincts. My instincts scream at me much earlier than my heart is willing to listen to it. I have been professionally trained to identify lies.... but, I still let people do this to me! I am shocked at myself.
In this particular case, I don't even understand how I let it go on for so long. How I let each thing I knew, deep down, was a lie pass. Each lie was ridiculous and unnecessary on it's own, like a white lie. But, the thing was, each time I accepted the lie into my life my heart broke a little more. Because I wasn't worth the truth.
What is wrong with people, what is wrong with respecting peoples basic dignity? What's wrong with just telling the truth. If people don't like you for who you are, as you are, they never will and there is no need for them to be in your life, don't lie to me to make me like you.
Retrospectively, none of the lies were white lies, they were meant to be manipulative. Each lie compounded with interest. When people lie to you it is the ultimate sign of disrespect for you as a human or companion.
Single again....